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Výrobcovia / značky



Počet hráčov: 2-5

Vek: 8+

Herná doba: 30-60 min.

Jazyk hry: jazykovo nezávislé

Jazyk pravidiel: EN, DE, FR, NL

Výrobca: Game Brewer
Dostupnosť: skladom
Počet ks: 3 ks
35,95 €
Do košíka


Veľká slávnosť v magickom kráľovstve Gloutam, kde hráte úlohu stále hladného "hobita", ktorý ide na trh, aby získal všetky skvelé ingrediencie od elfov, trpaslíkov, pixieov, trollov, orkov a čarodejníkov, takže môže variť pokrmy, ktoré budú mať radi všetky stvorenia v kráľovstve.

Hra pozostáva zo 4 kôl a každé kolo má 2 fázy.

It's a big feast in the magical kingdom of Gloutama, where you take on the role of an ever-hungry halfling that goes to the market to gather all sorts of wonderful ingredients from elves, dwarfs, pixies, trolls, orcs and wizards, so you can cook up dishes that will have every creature in the kingdom licking their fingers.

In each of four rounds in Festo!, players try to gather as many ingredients as they can by placing their servants by the different races in the game — but each round consists of two phases in which the players roll three dice that determine whether races are available this turn or not. Some races might be totally unavailable because of this, so players have to decide how many of their servants they want to place during each phase. Once this is done, majorities determine who gets what.



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