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Výrobcovia / značky

Villages of Valeria

Úvod Spoločenské hryVillages of Valeria

Villages of Valeria

Počet hráčov: 1-5

Vek: 14+

Doba hrania: 30-60 min. 

Jazyk hry: EN

Jazyk pravidiel: EN

Výrobca: Various
Dostupnosť: vypredané
Počet ks: 0 ks
26,90 €

Villages of Valeria

V tejto hre sa hráči zahrajú na barónov, ktorí sa usilujú o rozkvet veľkého kráľovstva Valeria. Budú stavať mimoriadne budovy, získavať zdroje a lákať dobrodruhov...

In Villages of Valeria, you take on the role of a Baron in the vast and beautiful kingdom of Valeria. Construct magnificent buildings, cultivate resources, and attract adventurers in order to become the next capital city of Valeria. 

Villages of Valeria is a stand alone game set in the world of Valeria and takes place just before the hordes of monsters invade the kingdom in Valeria: Card Kingdoms. The Kingdom has been established and the King is looking for the greatest Village to name the next capital city of Valeria. In order to accomplish this, you'll have to outwit your fellow Baron's by selecting the best actions and making sure to follow your opponents actions as best you can.


  • 84 Building Cards 
  • 16 Adventurer Cards 
  • 5 Castle Cards 
  • 5 Player Reference Cards 
  • 1 Solo Variant Reference Card
  • 1 Action-Selection Card
  • 30 Screen Printed Wood Gold Coins
  • 1 Screen Printed Wood Active Player Token 
  • 1 Rulebook 
  • 1 Beautifully Illustrated Box 
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