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Výrobcovia / značky

Wrath of Dragons

Úvod Spoločenské hryWrath of Dragons

Wrath of Dragons

Počet hráčov: 2-6

Vek: 12+

Doba hrania: 90 min. 

Jazyk hry: EN

Jazyk pravidiel: EN

Výrobca: Catalyst
Dostupnosť: skladom
Počet ks: 2 ks
39,90 €
Do košíka

Wrath of Dragons

There will be Wrath of Dragons: Copper Dragon Promos, which are only available on the initial orders for the game.

In Wrath of Dragons, each player assumes the role of a dragon that, over the course of many centuries, flies into different regions of the Old World to lay waste to settlements, scorch fields, snatch livestock, take gold, and capture nobles.

After six centuries have passed, the devastation, destruction, and fear that the dragons have caused is scored, and the dragon that earns the most victory points wins!

Take on the mantle of a most powerful dragon. Awaken each century, terrifying and rapacious. Lay waste to settlements and cities. Burn crops... Consume flocks... Hoard treasure... And pass into legend as the greatest dragon of any age!




  • • 96 cards
  • • 6 Lair Screens
  • • 6 Dragon Cards
  • • 5 punch-out tiles
  • • 6 wooden dragons
  • • 198 wooden playing pieces
  • • 1 gameboard
  • • 1 rulebook
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